Which Course?
The following information will help you select the right course for you but if you need further advice please contact Look North and speak to one of the team.
If you have no experience in dog grooming our courses offer various options depending on how you want to proceed.
If you want to become a professional groomer there are 4 options:

15 Day Level 2 Dog Groomers Assistant Course
This covers the 7863-02 Level 2 Groomers Assistant qualification. You will receive all the tuition required to successfully achieve the qualification and during the course you will complete the practical assessments and also the 60 minute online multiple choice exam.
After completion of this course you will be ready to work for someone else as a Groomers Assistant.
You can then return at a later date to complete the ’20 Day Plus’ Level 3 Dog Grooming Diploma course or, if you have received grooming tuition from a professional groomer you are working with, you may be ready for the Level 3 qualification only. A pre-assessment is essential at this stage to establish the standard of your grooming and ascertain the length of course required.
Also included: online first aid course, Level 2 equipment set, study book 'What Every Professional Groomer Should Know'.

32 Day Plus - Level 2 and Level 3 Combined Course
This course is the full package covering both the 7863-02 Level 2 Dog Groomers Assistant and also the 7863-03 Level 3 Dog Grooming Diploma. You will be required to complete 32 days practical on site tuition and continuous guided learning to fulfill the required qualification guided learning hours. You will then complete the 2 hour on line theory exam in either June or November.
You will receive the tuition required to achieve both of these qualifications and after successful completion of this course you will be a fully qualified dog groomer ready to start your career.
Also included: online first aid course, Level 3 equipment set, study book 'What Every Professional Groomer Should Know', 12 months membership to the British Isles Grooming Association (BIGA), Emmi-Pet Ultrasonic teeth cleaning tuition and starter pack.

24 Day Level 2 Dog Groomers Assistant Course
(includes trimming and styling)
This covers everything in the 15 day course including achieving the Level 2 Dog Groomers Assistant qualification plus you will also receive trimming and styling tuition.
On completion of this course, whilst you will not be a qualified groomer, you will have the skills to begin grooming for yourself or working with another groomer.
After gaining a minimum of 6 months full time experience and attending a pre-qualification assessment, you can return to complete the Level 3 Dog Grooming Diploma, qualification only.
Also included: online first aid course, Level 3 equipment set and study book 'What Every Professional Groomer Should Know', 12 months membership to the British Isles Grooming Association (BIGA)

16 Day Tuition Only Course

4 Days - Level 2 Dog Grooming Assistant Course
This is for those who are wanting to gain the Level 2 qualification and who already have the training and experience to Level 2 standard.
Included in the price is the study book 'What Every Professional Groomer Should know'.

20 Day Plus - Level 3 Dog Grooming
Diploma Course
This is for those who are Level 2 qualified but having little or no trimming and styling experience. Tuition covers all trimming and styling to Level 3 Diploma standard. You will also complete the practical and theory assessments for the City & Guilds 7863 Level 3 Diploma qualification.
Prior to and throughout the course, documented guided home study to fulfill the required qualification guided learning hours will need to be completed. The 2 hour online theory exam will take place in either June or November.
Included in the course is the study book 'What Every Professional Groomer Should Know' and 12 months membership to the British Isles Grooming Association (BIGA)

Level 3 Dog Grooming Diploma
Qualification Only
This is for those who have already achieved the Level 2 Dog Groomers Assistant and a minimum of 6 months full time trimming and styling experience.
A pre-qualification assessment is essential at this stage to establish that you are ready to complete the qualification and ascertain the length of time required.
A minimum of 4 days on site practical work is required as well as continuous guided home study to fulfill the required qualification guided learning hours. The 2 hour online theory exam is to be taken in either June or November.
Included in the price is the study book 'What Every Professional Groomer Should Know'.
Theory Exams:
The Level 2 exam is a 60 minute online multiple choice which you will complete at the end of the Level 2 section of the course.
The Level 3 Diploma exam is a 2 hour written short answer exam which is held twice a year in June and November.
"Learning in an environment surrounded by tutors at the top of their game is fantastic. Having an absolute blast while you do it is priceless. Can I come and do it again? I’ll bring biscuits!"
Taster Session Information
Get in touch with us today to find out more about the grooming and training services we provide.